July 11, 2024
John Oliver Coffey

Navigating Crises

Nearshore Software Developers

In the ever-evolving world of software development, finding the right talent can be as elusive as finding a needle in a haystack. But what if you had a magnet to make that search easier? Welcome to Netmidas, your magnet in the haystack of talent acquisition. We specialize in nearshore augmented staffing. Simply put, we find great software developers in Latin America for our clients in the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia). Once we’ve made the perfect match then the client works daily with the contractor, but we don't just match the client with a candidate; we maintain close and regular contact with each contractor to solve any blockers that might arise in their new role. And we have regular check-ins with the client to ensure expectations are met.

The Tale of Juan: A Journey Beyond Borders

However, like any good story, ours is not without its twists and turns. Let's dive into a real-life example that showcases not only our commitment to our clients but also our adaptability in the face of unexpected challenges. Rest assured, all names have been changed to protect the privacy of the parties involved, and no animals were harmed in the process!

Chapter 1: The Client’s Call

It all starts when a client contacts us to request a specific profile of a software professional. Very often this comes in the form of an email ‘Hi, I heard about Netmidas from a client of yours, we are a US SAAS mid-tier company and need 3 Golang developers on a 2-year project’. Our next step is to work with this client to clarify their specific needs of the role (expertise required, seniority, urgency, fee structure, type of project, team composition, professional growth potential for candidates). Then we develop a compelling job offer and share it with our recruiters across the region (currently 8 countries in LATAM). 

Chapter 2: The Screening 

Then begins a thorough process of sourcing, filtering and evaluation of hard and soft skills, background checks (financial, criminal, professional references) of a long list of candidates (ratio of around 15 screened candidates per 1 candidate that we present to a client), before we present a short list of candidates for the client to interview and evaluate. Then, all goes well, we sign an agreement with the best contractor and sign a services agreement with the client. Then down to work!

Then the client puts the contractor through an onboarding process (ranging from 2 weeks to 2 months) before formally integrating the candidate into their teams. So far so good, and usually things progress smoothly through the 2-month probation period and can extend for years with some clients. In some cases, such as this one I’m about to share, it doesn’t always go according to plan.

Chapter 3: Juan Takes the Stage

Juan (not his real name) goes through the recruitment cycle and onboarding process with flying colors, feedback from the client is great, Juan is happy, and finds everything quite easy. Then we begin to receive the following feedback:

  • Missed meetings
  • Timekeeping discrepancies
  • Not proactive enough

The client begins to think that Juan is not committed to the role, and doubts begin to emerge about whether there is a fit between Juan and the client. This is where we step in, and, to blow our own trumpet, it is what differentiates us from most staff augmentation agencies. 

Chapter 4: The Netmidas Difference

We need to understand the perceptions, concerns, causes, and (measurable) client goals and to arrive at solutions. We initiate a series of calls between us (Colombia), the client (Seattle, Philippines), and Juan (Chile) hearing specifics about what is happening, and perceptions from both sides. We implement a daily call with Juan and a weekly call with the client. And we find the following:

  • Meetings were missed because Juan’s inbox is flooded with meeting notifications for meetings that don’t involve him
  • Timekeeping discrepancies were caused by a bug in one of the two client timekeeping systems 
  • Proactivity: Juan is not very active in Slack because he knew all of the onboarding material and felt that it wasn’t necessary to communicate in Slack unless he had questions; he was conscious about wasting other people’s time 
  • Communications: Juan isn’t the best communicator, plenty of room for improvement. We had Juan start a daily progress report (email), and the idea was to phase this out after things started working as expected.

Chapter 5: The Cultural Compass

We coached Juan on cultural differences that can inform the client’s expectations of how he should work. We have provided him with tools that streamline his workflow so he doesn’t miss meetings or communications. We double-check his time reporting each week. We provide him with the resources and tips to improve his home office setup: lighting, sound, seating, active pauses, and contingency plans in case of comms outages. 

Chapter 6: The Thriving Marriage

Juan is a great engineer, a very nice and very collaborative professional, and has worked with international clients before. We have 100% confidence that there is a fit between this client and Juan. Likewise, we are very glad that the client raised these concerns early in the relationship, and provided us with the opportunity to make the necessary adjustments. It’s just a matter of identifying early in the relationship what needs to be refined so that the marriage not only survives but that it thrives.

Epilogue: Netmidas—Your Ideal Choice

It remains to be seen what happens in the case of Juan. The client is absolutely entitled to have concerns. Our job at Netmidas is to ensure a seamless integration of our contractors into our clients' teams. We don't just provide a service; we build relationships. We understand that every individual is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet those unique needs. 

When faced with challenges, we don't back down; we step up. We initiate dialogues, we listen, we understand, and most importantly, we act. Our proactive approach to managing these challenges underscores our dedication to our clients' success.

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